Services & Programs

BodyAttune services and programs allow you to dive deep into the subtle energy that profoundly influences our thoughts, feelings, and relationship to health. We begin by connecting you to your unique blueprint for health, with a focus on any desired goals or questions you may have, and work on many levels at once, assisting your capacity to shift out of limiting patterns and into vitality!

In-Person Sessions

When you come to BodyAttune, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your current health and wellness goals with your practitioner in a welcoming space created specifically to help you relax and more fully access your body’s natural healing response.

Contact Us, we’d be happy to schedule a free consultation.

Shelley Poovey
Advanced Certified and PaRama certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Owner, BodyAttune

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I don’t know which was more therapeutic — BodyTalk, or Shelley’s presence itself, but the two combined made for an extremely precise, mind-blowing session. Shelley focused, without me telling her beforehand, on exactly the issues I’m dealing with. This woman, and the tools she is using, are the most sophisticated therapy I can imagine. I don’t know how much it would have cost me to pay for a psychologist to begin to deal with these issues. And she, with her deft hand, tapped them right out, and off I was on my merry way… I’ll be back for more, Healing Goddess!

Maria P.

Zoom Sessions

During your Zoom session you will have time to discuss your health history and concerns as well as address any questions that come up for you about how the session relates to your overall wellness goals. You’ll be coached through the balancing techniques so you feel confident performing them yourself while being demonstrated as well. This can be an incredibly relaxing way to experience a session from the comfort of your own home!

Connect via zoom conferencing (both video and phone conference options are available). You’ll receive a recording of the session afterward. It is up to your discretion to choose which connection you prefer.


Contact Us, we’d be happy to schedule a free consultation.


Shelley Poovey
Advanced Certified and PaRama certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Owner, BodyAttune

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Remote Sessions

Remote sessions happen without you needing to be present. The practitioner will focus on your requests and perform the session at the scheduled time. You may go about your day as usual, or choose to be resting. Once the session is complete, you’ll receive a video recording of the session with your practitioner coaching and demonstrating the techniques for you to follow along.


Contact us, we’d be happy to schedule a free consultation to discuss if Remote BodyTalk is the right fit for your needs.


Shelley Poovey
Advanced Certified and PaRama certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Owner, BodyAttune

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Sessions for Children

Sessions for Children (under 17) are 45 minutes, and can be performed in person, over the phone, or remotely at a distance.

Business Alchemy Personal Program

In business alchemy, we work together to establish clear and effective intentions and track your process by observing the results. Your business alchemy workbook is a tool for personal growth as you learn how to navigate and create an effective relationship with your business that allows for resilience, vitality, and sustainable long-term results.

Each business alchemy consultation lasts 90 minutes and as we work through the exercises, meditations, and visualizations together there is plenty of time for you to gain knowledge of how your business thinks, and where there is potential for growth both personally and professionally. This intensive coaching will give you practical tools and innovative techniques to work with your business as it’s own consciousness system and learn to harness your innate intuitive abilities to manifest change in your life, career, or profession.

Shelley brings to each session her vast knowledge and toolbox of modalities to increase your session results on all levels!

Three month program includes:

  • Six 90-minute personal consultations with Shelley Poovey, B.S. Psych, AdvCBP, PaRama BP, RYT-200
    Creator of The Radiant Human Meditation & Business Alchemy
  • Business alchemy workbook to track your progress
  • Four pre-recorded guided meditations on money, fear, performance, and relationships tailor-made for Business Alchemy
  • After each session, work with unique alchemy items specific to you to help transform your intentions into reality!


Shelley Poovey
Advanced Certified and PaRama certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Owner, BodyAttune

Session booking available only as a program.
Set up a complementary consultation to discuss if Business Alchemy is right for you.

Moon Sessions

An intimate healing circle for sharing intentions, meditating, and aligning with our manifesting potential each new and full moon. Every moon session is unique and specific for the individual group members. We meet live online bi-monthly.

Business Alchemy

This program runs concurrent with the Manifesting Intention program. You will be introduced to advanced applications of meditation, manifestation, and alchemy for business. You will learn how to work with your business as an energy system, and use your co-creative manifestation abilities to transform your relationship to work, money, performance, and success in this year-long immersion.

“Looking back over this past year, not only did the Business Alchemy process provide me with tools to continue to grow and thrive in my business, it allowed me to do so in a way that aligns with my life purpose, so that my experience of ‘work’ is joyful. This past year had some significant challenges. We were able to meet them with clarity, move through them with grace, and were ultimately able to experience what some would categorize as ‘failure’ as opportunity, and even success! The so-called ‘failure’ provided a pivot that lead to something I wouldn’t have dreamed of or believed was part of my business path. 

And of course that experience lays the groundwork for me to dream even bigger, to simultaneously believe in myself while I place trust in the unknown, and to know on a deep level that my dreams, ‘or something better’ are mine for the manifesting.”

2016 Business Alchemy Participant

Fitness Studio Owner